Saturday, April 3, 2010

A week later...

Well, after a night of not knowing how I felt about my recital, I decided to watch the video. I must say, I was pretty ok with it. There were mistakes, but I kept my tone and technique the entire way. And I have never had a recovery as good as the one at the end of my last piece. Everyone that went was really excited and impressed, and I found out today that there were double the people there than at the Casella concert. Yay :)

So I was teaching one of my highschool students the other day and made a realization. This is my music life now. Teaching and playing church gigs. Not what I originally planned, but definitely what makes me happy. Will it bring in the big bucks? Most likely not, but it keeps me playing/ practicing/ learning.

As far as my students go, I couldn't be happier right now. I have five students- 10 years old, two 6th graders, Freshman, and Sophomore. All have their own troubles, but all are great at many things. I started the 10 year old so she is really the one that shows what I can do. I am really proud of her. She puts in lots of practice time and comes into her lessons ready to work. What is most exciting is that she will be playing with her dad's 6th grade band on their last concert. My two 6th graders are a trip. They go to school together and have started a silent "competition" of who is better. The great thing about that is they are both sitting 1st and 2nd chair now- even better is that the one in 1st was in last when I got him. My high school students are their own. One has wanted to quit for a while but has continued to push. I think he will be ok as long as he makes it to this summer when the braces come off. The other is like a sponge, but terrified of that.

It is really cool to think that I am even able to do all of this now. Never in my life did I think I would be moving kids from last to first chair. I just need to keep my own motivation up to keep playing now that I don't have lessons or recitals anymore.

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